Thursday, March 12, 2015




Once you come out of Dubai you recognise how pampered and well taken care of 1 is !! We live in the highest standard in the world... We have everything we need at a snap of our finger tips .. We kind of take matters for granted ... we will always have water and we will always have electricity .. I think once you step out of this comfort life take a look at others around you.. you have to appreciate and cherish the blessings you have been given not just by saying Al Hamdolillah , God has asked us to work to believe in a purpose to truly thank him is by our unstoppable desire and actions to preserve what he gave us. In Dubai we believe in being number one .. The whole country collectively has worked towards this goal. One of the responsibilities that comes with this position we proud ourselves of pursuing is conservation .. is our inner desire to sustain and succeed using less resources .. when I started working in DEWA conservation was part of my belief system but not as today, I use my mascara to the last drop in it !! I know the process of manufacturing it must have had some effect on my planet so at least I don't want to squander it, after 3 years in DEWA and witnessing the efforts exerted for each one of us to wake up in the morning open that tap undoubtedly knowing water will run down like a river down a stream now ! My conservation value got stronger ... I must not use my washing machine from 12 till 6 PM, there's an army of unnamed soldiers working to deliver this comfort to my finger tips.This doesn't mean we take what we have been given for granted. We who live in abundance have a responsibility towards the less fortunate to the world to the planet to raise our commitment level to preserve and nurture. I chose to make a difference. And it's not about going to the end of the world, it's about our human values, our belief system this urge to be better. Make use of it, deploy it in your small daily life and you shall see wonders.